Corona – update
We hope you are all doing well. The Corona situation is a tragedy – from personal and business perspectives. The effects on our daily life are huge – and we hope you are safe and healthy.
The world has become even smaller than before as the virus is not stopped by borders. We are all in the same situation – worldwide. Not being able to see family, friends and colleagues puts a lot of emotional pressure on us.
We observe the developments across borders carefully and – as of today – we haven’t experienced any unforeseen delays. We took precautions to protect our team and to be available for all needs. Besides the production perspective, we see different development at our client’s behavior. We receive many orders as Breiding is considered a stable supplier – and our team’s workload has increased a lot.
At the same time, some clients shift investments and maintenance into the future. Please keep in mind that there will be a backlog of installations at many sites – and as soon as the Corona virus seems under control, all shifted projects will pop up at the same time. This will result in longer delivery times. Please be prepared – replacements cannot be shifted infinitely and even though we are known to get even crazy things done, it will be merely impossible to help with quick wins.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch – by phone, email or video conference. Your Breiding team is available via all communication channels. Stay healthy,
Torsten Breiding